Sunday, December 02, 2007

"What's the difference between Vegan and Vegetarian"

-Vegetarianism is a dietary choice. A vegetarian diet does not include anything that doesn't come from the plantæ/fungæ kingdoms, or Cynaobacteria. Vegetarian: Vegetable + -arian. Let's now define vegetable: a plant or part of a plant used as food, such as cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean.

"So, do eggs and milk fit in there?"

-Well, milk comes from mammals, from their mammary glands. Where some plants produce seeds (fertalised eggs), which are similar to eggs found in the Animalia kingdom, they're not. Eggs have a shell and an amnion. With shell and amnion, they are found in reptiles, birds, and monotreme mammals. Eggs are also found in fish and other mammals, such as ourselves and marupials. In the case of us placental mammals, they never leave the body. So, no, Vegetarian diet does not include eggs or milk, because they are not vegetables.

"Why do people assume those two things are included then?"

-Most likely it's because they don't pay attention to definitions. There is a reason that lacto-, ova- prefixes exist. They are additions to words, such as vegetarian. So, a lacto-ova-vegetarian consumes these other reproductive products and byproducts in addition to the vegetarian diet.

"What's a vegan then?"

-Well, a vegan is someone who adopts a vegetarian diet, without additions to it, and also avoids or excludes all animal byproducts and products. E.g. A vegan does not wear leather or wool or consume honey, or buy products that have been tested on other animals. It is a lifestyle choice.

"Is Fish a vegetable?"


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Here is another foto-food blog. Paella, and ravioli, and carrot cake.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I call this the first class rant. Modeled after the hierarchical idea of classes.

I really despise the idea of first, second (middle), third class and so on ad infinitum. With that said, I found the class structure on my areoplane flight to be quite disturbing. Firstly, the “upper echelon,” were seated first and provided with a beverage and any other accoutrements. The space provided for these blokes was massive compared to the other two cabins. In fact, the 1st class chair can fold out into a bed! Next was the business class; much more roomier than the economy class, and each station was proved with an outlet for a laptop. Also, both first and second classes had individual televisions with a choice of movies from a catalogue. I understand that these folks paid more for these seats, but I still despise the idea of favouritism and preferability.

Now onto the real rant. Food!

I will now give you the run down of what the meal arrangement was on this 10 hr flight across the Pacific Ocean. 1. Bag o’ Pretzels and a choice beverage. 2. Lunch: Chicken of Beef? A mini chocolate cake, a salad with slices of what looked like American cheese, a packaged dinner roll, a little, lunchbox apple sauce modeled, spring water (you know, a plastic container, with a foil covering.) and a fruit dish. By now, I was disturbed by the meal, but not by the quantity. 3. A bag of Ruffles, a little lemon cookie, and a bag of jelly-bellies. 4. Pasta or Beef with noodles? Are you serious, or are you fucking kidding me? Another whole meal? All of the folks surrounding me ordered the pasta, which was stuffed shells, a fruit dish, another little spring water, and a Knottsberry Farm cookie. I was flabbergasted, and all these passengers accepted them with glee; every single meal! No one even fancied the idea of declining a meal/snack, and I’m assuming no one recognised the unbelievable excess packaging. Ugh, what a disgusting revelation. But I once would have overlooked this all too. The End.

Friday, February 10, 2006

So, I pretty much don't have anything to Bitch about, except Vegenaise, which I still can't fathom how every single person I know pronounces it wrong. I really hope I meet another person who can pronounce it correctly one day. Anyway, I've decide to switch up the blog a little bit and make it a vegan foto-food blog. So, here goes.
Most recently I've made a stuffed squash:
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And I made some raw food snacks. All you have to do, is cut a portion out with a knife. Yumm! Really simple too. Raw Cacao, Raw Walnuts, Dates, and Raw unsweetened coconut.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005


My father called me on December 25th and left me a message asking me to call him back. I say Bah Humbug, and decide to call him at my leisure. So, I walk down to Cyber Dogs (vegetarian notdog/internet joint with most things vegan. In Seattle) to get on the net and what have you, but when I arrive the place isn't open yet. So, I say what the hay and give that phone a ring. My father answers and tells me he has a house full of guests and will call me back. I agree. He also asks me why I am waiting for a coffee shop to open on xmas, and I reply with. "what else would I be doing?"

So, this is where the bitch comes in. He calls me, and gives me the small talk. Then he starts on why he's full and what he had made for dinner. The lame ass makes sure to tell me every animal ingredient in all things made. The list goes as follows: "I made a turkeyº and honeyº glazed hamº." "I made some mashed potatoes with milkº and real butterº, oh yeah and garlic and rosemary." "The stuffing was excellent, it had gibletsº." "Your stepmother made a sweet potato soufflé. Yeah that has eggsº in it." "Your grandmother made a dessert, with walnuts, and cremeº and butterº and brown sugar. [It came out like..." "Brittle" I interrupt. "No, not brittle." "Brittle, like peanut brittle." "Oh right, like brittle."] (Then He goes into a dessert that sounds fantastic) "Your stepmother toasted walnuts with cranberries and apples..." (My mouth was watering) "...then she threw it all in a cherry jello®º."
Thanks for telling me every animal ingredient in your meal asshole. I half expected a "Your grandfather got me a wool sweater and a leather jacket and suede boots" too.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Why? Why do people call Vegenaise 'Vegan'aise? It isn't spelt with Vegan in the title, so why pronounce it that way? I don't think I've ever met another Vegan that pronounced Vegenaise correctly. It seriously pisses me off. I know what you're thinking, don't get so worked up about spelling, pronouncement, or semantics. Well, I know it's pointless, but I can't help it, because everyone seems to pronounce it incorrectly. Even Whole Foods and whatnot spell it incorrectly on their receipt. [I know, I purchased something from Whole Foods, but I no longer do. (Whole Foods totally different bitch session.)] Anyway, that's about it for todays bitch. Bye now.